"Loneliness and non-recognition attend motherhood for a time. But that is the perspective of this world only. How does the Judge compare the socialite, the dynamic business 'success' in comparison with the mother who is selflessly training children with an eye of faith fixed on a spiritual kingdom and her hope firmly fixed upon the Lord?"--Walter Chantry, The High Calling of Motherhood
Oh, how I need this reminder. How often I lose sight of the eternal perspective. How often I am going through my daily tasks not giving attention to my children's soul. How often my eyes wander to the glitter and glamour of what the temporal world offers in the form of financial gain and comfort. How often I seek the praises of men instead of the complete peace of doing diligence in my honorable calling of motherhood!
When I purposefully seek to fulfill His calling on my life--to raise my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord--I experience the true peace that passes all understanding. The pursuit of worldly recognition is a snare that can quickly entangle me and pull my attention away from where it ought to be.
Oh, dear and faithful Holy Spirit, I pray that you would quickly restore my focus when I lose sight of my heavenly purpose. May I fix my eyes upon you, dear Lord Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith. Amen.
THANK YOU for the quote and the blog, stella. caron forwarded the link to me. i'll be reading regularly fer sher. :)
And so, we're back to the simplicity of the catechism, aren't we- how do we glorify God? By loving Him and doing what He commands!
This site is beautiful, friend, to my eyes and to my heart. Good work!
I love you guys! I am thankful we are travelling together in this adventure! Darby, your little man is adorable! Know I look forward to your thoughts and nuggets, too! :-)
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