"It is faith that enlivens our work with perpetual cheerfulness. It commits every part of it to God, in the hope, that even mistakes shall be overruled for his glory; and thus relieves us from an oppressive anxiety, often attendant upon a deep sense of our responsibility. The shortest way to peace will be found in casting ourselves upon God for daily pardon of deficiencies and supplies of grace, without looking too eagerly for present fruit."
The Christian Ministry, by Charles Bridges
Oh doesn't this speak truth?! In 2 Corinthians 5:7 Paul reminds us that we "walk by faith, not by sight." And that is indeed, so very often, the path of parenting- we don't always see the "present fruit," and yet the call is to persevere, through to that promise of "when they are old..." Daily I have to be back at "casting (myself) upon God," for pardon, for forgiveness, for grace, and yet, this reminds us that "even mistakes shall be overruled for His glory."
I thought that Daylight Forest was a good accompaniment- in the midst of the density of the forest, we see the glimmer of light ahead...
(art credit to Willo Huard, Silverdale, Washington)
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