It hit me that If I were ever to be the tool of transforming grace in the lives of my children, I needed to be daily rescued, not from them, but from me! That’s why Jesus came, so that I would have every resource that I need to be what he has chosen me to be and do what he has called me to do. In his life, death, and resurrection I had already been given all that I needed to be his tool of rescuing, forgiving, and transforming grace.
I can't even possibily begin to count the times that I have felt that my ability to parent well, yea- even to love well, was completely beyond the possibility of success. Actually, I'd probably have more success counting the times I knew moments of competency! Doubts began in the very beginning- they are allowing us to take this beautiful creation home? Sickness. Discipline. Growing independence. They continued even, especially, today- are we allowing our children experiences they will hate us for, or even worse- suffer for, in the years to come? There are moments, days, seasons, in our home, in our family, that are painful, discordant, anguished. Desperate cries for rescue. And yet, there remains the light of hope, and of promise.
... in order to be a tool of grace, I desperately need grace myself.
(art credit: Grace by paintingtruth at etsy.com)
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