Ephesians 4:1-3
In looking at this passage in Sunday School last week, we were asked, “what is the unity of the Spirit?” We considered those fruit, the gifts of the Spirit, that unite those who believe in the saving work of Christ.
That question was even more clarified for me yesterday as I read a lesson on “The All-Comprehensive Gift,” on the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer. Andrew Murray reminds us to consider the names the Spirit bears:
The Spirit of grace- to “reveal and impart all of the grace in Christ Jesus.”
The Spirit of faith- to “teach us to begin and go on and increase in believing.”
The Spirit of adoption and assurance- ‘who witnesses that we are God’s children, and inspires the confiding and confident ‘Abba, Father!’
The Spirit of truth- to “lead all truth.”
The Spirit of prayer- “through which we speak with the Father in prayer that must be heard.”
The Spirit of judgment- “to search the heart and convince of sin.”
The Spirit of holiness- “manifesting and communicating the presence of the Father’s holy presence within us.”
The Spirit of power- “through whom we are strong to testify boldly and work effectively in the Father’s service.”
The Spirit of glory- “the pledge of our inheritance, the preparation and foretaste of glory to come.”
Imagine! All of that, that entire, all-comprehensive list, available to us that call upon Him! I am struck today of those implications- of what our prayer and study and service, of what our lives, would look like if we walked confidently in those truths! Talk about Giant Faith!
Lord, You are Sovereign, and exceedingly full of compassion and love, in measure beyond what I even understand. Thank you for your perfect plan. Thank you for the gift of the Spirit, that all-comprehensive gift. Forgive me Lord, for those many distractions that keep me from knowing the fullness of your Spirit. Oh how I long to put them aside! Indeed, I pray fervently, continue to teach me how to walk in a manner worthy of that calling you have so graciously extended to me. I pray confidently, knowing that is Your delight, and that it is mine as well. Amen.
(photo credit: The Face of Peace by Pablo Picasso)
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