- when the kid down the street forgets his science book, he can come to your house for books to help him with his homework
- when the neighbors needs an emergency contact for day care or the public schools, we're available
- when the public school kid gets sick and his mom's at work, we're available
- when UPS needs a signature, we're home (and he knows what we're studying this year...)
- when the guy around the block is looking for his lost dog, he can stop and ask us if we've seen him
- when the traditional school kids are out of school for one of those teacher work days (man! isn't every day a teacher work day?) and need someone to play with by the end of lunchtime, we just might be available
- we entertain sales pitches for wrapping paper, cookie dough, candy bars, seasonal gifts and a host of other things, and might just buy one since we haven't had to sell it
- we can pray each morning for a house, and it's family, on the block
- we can tell others that there are lots of reasons we home school, but the primary one is so we can teach our kids about the Lord
Double is the blessing when you discover another home school family in your neighborhood. In one military neighborhood we lived in, the other side of our duplex, and two other families home schooled. Fun! An unanticipated blessing.
(art credit: Neighborly by Swallowfield)
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