Friday, February 18, 2011

Earnest, Secret, Believing

Earnest, secret, believing prayer should never cease to be daily presented for our offspring...That parent has neglected a very important branch of his duty, who has suffered one single day to pass by without bearing his children upon his heart before God in private prayer. -- John Angell James

As I read this, I reflected on the amount of time I really do spend in prayer for my children. While I spend much time in prayer for them, I also recognize that there needs to be particular times of "going to battle" for them on my knees before the Throne. May our Lord give us wisdom as we intercede on their behalf!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Lord IS my shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1

"Not was, not may be, nor will be. "The Lord is my shepherd."
He is on Sunday, on Monday, an through every day of the week. He is in January, in December, and every month of the year. He is when I'm at home and in China. He is during peace or war, and in times of abundance or poverty."
- J. Hudson Taylor